Non-NHS work

The NHS provides most health care to most people free of charge, however there are exceptions such as prescription charges which have existed since 1951 and there are a number of other services for which fees are charged, such as dental fees.

Fees can also be charged for providing copies of health records or producing medical reports for insurance companies as these services are not covered by the NHS.

Many GPs are not employed by the NHS but are self-employed and have to cover their costs such as staff, buildings, heating, lighting etc. in the same way as any small business. The fees charged by GPs contribute towards these costs.

Whilst we will always attempt to assist our patients with the completion of forms we are not required to do such non-NHS work. In order to complete even the simplest of forms the doctor will have to check your entire medical records as he/she will only sign what is known to be true and correct.

Special appointments must be made for certain services and a fee is payable.

Please view our Private/ additional services and also non-NHS fees.